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Log Book Servicing

We are equipped to provide Log Book servicing for your new vehicle, under law it is your right to choose who carries out these services.

Fleet Maintenance

We offer great rates on Fleet Maintenance and provide a complete service history on all of the vehicles in your fleet.

4 x 4 Servicing

From A Specialised Service To Increased Performance And Power. Book In Now. Don’t Trust Your Diesel Or Petrol 4WD With Anyone Else.

MRB No. 7580

If it’s got wheels, it’s our speciality.

We are the one-stop shop for all your automotive needs. We offer car repairs in Bunbury at an affordable, competitive rate that will get you back on the road with minimum hassle. We are locally owned and operated and have years of experience under the bonnet. Our highly qualified and skilled technicians specialise in logbook servicing, roadworthy certification, major and minor servicing, safety inspections, lubrication changes, brake and shock repairs, transmission services.

Please don’t hesitate to call or drop in and speak with Gary, I’m always available to provide assistance wherever possible.

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Auto Services

Hansen Automotive Centre

Logbook Servicing

Hansen Automotive is equipped to provide a Log Book Service for your new vehicle, under law it is your right to choose who carries out these services.

4x4 Servicing

These heavy-duty machines can take a pounding off-road but need to be carefully monitored to make sure they last. Hansen Automotive is the first and last place you need to look for expert 4×4 mechanics.

Vehicle Suspension

Hansen Automotive are specialists in all aspects of vehicle suspension we upgrade, repair and maintain cars, light commercial vehicles and 4×4’s.


Hansen Automotive Customers

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