Auto Services
Provided In Bunbury
Hansen Automotive Centre
- Free Safety Inspections
- Brake Repairs
- Engine Repairs
- Clutch Repairs
- Automatic Transmission Repairs
- Manual Transmission Repairs
- Logbook Servicing
- Car Servicing
- Fixed price services
- Driveline Repairs
- Suspension Upgrades
Our Process
Whether you are getting a general service, repairing or upgrading your car, we’re here to complete your vehicle maintenance and get you back on the road as soon as possible.
Contact Us
Give our office a call, fill out our contact form or drop in and we will be able to give you the advice or services you need.
Drop off your car
To get a quote on any upgrade or repair please bring you car into Hansen Automotive in Davenport.
Repairs or upgrades begin
Our team will give you a time frame for the completion of your car repairs or upgrade.
Pick up
You will be contacted when your vehicle is ready for collection. On pick up if you have any questions our team would be happy to help.