Logbook Servicing Bunbury
Hansen Automotive is equipped to provide a Log Book Service
When a new car is sold the manufacturer provides a log book as part of the delivery package. This booklet provides both owners and technicians with vital information regarding anticipated service procedures, inspections points and servicing required for the safe and efficient operation of the vehicle.
Log book servicing is a warranty requirement and should be strictly adhered to, but who can do it? Luck for you we can. Bring your car into Hansen Auto Center and we will take care of you car servicing.
Frequently Asked
A complete service history following the car’s manufacturer guidelines appeals to potential buyers and provides proof that the car has been well-maintained.
Also, some dealerships won’t abide by your warranty if you have not kept up with your servicing after the purchase.
It’s a good idea to have your vehicle serviced every 6 months or 10,000kms.
If you have a new car this is still recommended as everything wears into place and you do not want to miss an issue at is could cause more damage or engine failure.
If your car is new and serviced on a regular basis you won’t have to check your engine oil – although if you can’t remember the last time your car was serviced you should check your oil.
Have no or low oil is a high risk issue as it can seize your engine.
Car Servicing
Bunbury vehicle maintenance
Hansen Automotive is equipped to provide a Log Book Service for your new vehicle, under law it is your right to choose who carries out these services.
We understand that in years gone by you asked for a car service, these days the log book service includes what was a car service, plus the manufacturers recommendations to the vehicle is maintained in the best operating condition.
This ensures the best possible mechanical operating environment for your car, avoiding unnecessary repair costs because of lack of maintenance.
These typically include:
- Brake system inspection
- Lubrication and Filter changes
- Belt adjustments
- Suspension checks
- Steering component checks
- Engine Flushes
- Retightening of noted components to specific torque settings
- Tyre pressure and wear checks
- Exhaust system checks
- Coolant/Cooling system inspections and flushes
- Also other vehicle specific requirements
- Lighting and electrical system checks